houseoffuncoins| A 360-58 vote overwhelmingly passed H.R. 8038, 170 million Americans face serious violations of their freedom of speech, and TikTok's annual contribution of $24 billion may be hit hard

[the U.S. House of Representatives passes the new H.Houseoffuncoins.R.8038 Act, which...

[the U.S. House of Representatives passes the new H.Houseoffuncoins.R.8038 Act, which requires a mandatory byte jump stripping of the US TikTok or face an injunction. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a new bill, the H.R.8038 Act, by an overwhelming majority. The bill requires a mandatory byte jump to spin off the TikTok of its US operations, or face an injunction. TikTok responded to the House of Representatives decision on April 21st local time. The company said it regretted that the US House of Representatives had used important foreign and humanitarian aid acts as a cover to once again force a bill against TikTok. TikTok stressed that the bill would seriously violate the freedom of expression of 170 million Americans and have a serious impact on as many as 7 million businesses. The company also pointed out that TikTok contributes as much as $24 billion a year to the US economy, and the closure of the platform will cause heavy losses to the US economy. TikTok called on US lawmakers to attach importance to freedom of expression and innovation and to oppose any action that undermines these two core American values. The company said it would maintain communication with the US government and lawmakers and seek appropriate ways to protect the rights and interests of US users. In the current political environment, the situation of TikTok is becoming more and more difficult. However, the company still adheres to its position of respecting the rights and freedoms of users and is committed to maintaining an open and fair Internet environment. Risk Tip of Hexun self-selected WriterHouseoffuncoinsThe above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.

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